

Katharina Eickhoff, S. Thomas McCormick, Britta Peis, Niklas Rieken, and Laura Vargas Koch
A flow-based ascending auction to compute buyer-optimal Walrasian prices (Networks 2024)

Katharina Eickhoff, Britta Peis, Niklas Rieken, Laura Vargas Koch, and László A. Végh
Faster Ascending Auctions via Polymatroid Sum (WINE 2023)

Britta Peis, Niklas Rieken, José Verschae, and Andreas Wierz
A Primal-Dual and Primal-Greedy Approximation Framework for Weighted Covering Problems (MAPSP 2022)


November 28, 2023
Selling Bases of a Matroid
ORM PhD Seminar, RWTH Aachen University

August 30, 2023
An Ascending Auction for Computing Minimal Walrasian prices via the Matroid Partitioning Algorithm
OR 2023, Hamburg University

June 15, 2023
Selling Bases of a Matroid
13th Day on Computational Game Theory, VU Amsterdam

January 18, 2023
Computing Walrasian Prices via Matroid Partitioning
Santiago Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, Universidad de Chile

July 6, 2022
Computing Buyer-Optimal Walrasian Prices in Multi-Unit Matching Markets via a Sequence of Max-Flow Computations
Seminario AGCO, Universidad de Chile


Britta Peis and Niklas Rieken
A Simplified Analysis of the Ascending Auction to Sell a Matroid Base

Katharina Eickhoff, Meike Neuwohner, Britta Peis, Niklas Rieken, Laura Vargas Koch, and László A. Végh
Faster Dynamic Auctions via Polymatroid Sum

Katharina Eickhoff, S. Thomas McCormick, Britta Peis, Niklas Rieken, and Laura Vargas Koch
A flow-based ascending auction to compute buyer-optimal Walrasian prices


I am the recipient of the 2024 teaching award of the School of Business and Economics at RWTH Aachen University.

For the following courses at RWTH Aachen University I had various responsibilities (creating exercise sheets, conducting exercise sessions, write lecture notes, etc.). The lectures were all at the Chair of Management Science headed by Britta Peis who was the main lecturer in all of those courses.

  • Algorithmic Game Theory (for Economics) with Komal Muluk, Summer 2024
  • Strategic Decisions in Networks, Markets, and Politics with Komal Muluk, Winter 2023/24
  • Algorithmic Game Theory (for Computer Science) with Lennart Kauther, Summer 2023
  • Einführung in Design und Analyse von Algorithmen, Summer 2022
  • Scheduling, Summer 2020
  • Einführung in Management Science, Winter 2019/20, Winter 2020/21, Winter 2021/22
  • Highlights in Optimization (seminar), every term between Winter 2019/20 and Summer 2024

As a student at RWTH Aachen University, I also was a TA in the following courses given by the Chair of Logic and Theory of Discrete Systems headed by Martin Grohe and the Theoretical Computer Science group headed by Peter Rossmanith:

  • Formale Systeme, Automaten, Prozesse, Summer 2014, Summer 2015, Summer 2016, Summer 2017
  • Berechenbarkeit und Komplexitätstheorie, Winter 2015/16, Winter 2016/17
  • Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen, Summer 2019


I supervised the following bachelor and master theses at RWTH Aachen University:

  • Auction Design for the Suppression of Shill Bids (Bachelor Business Administration, 2025)
  • Tailoring a Matroid-Constrained Ascending Vickrey Auction to Representable Matroids (Bachelor Computer Science, 2024)
  • Minimizing Player Regret in Routing Games through Robust Network Optimization (Bachelor Business Admininstration, 2024)
  • Implementation and Analysis of an Ascending Vickrey Auction for Selling Bases of a Matroid (Master Data Analytics and Decision Science, 2023)
  • Computation of minimal market clearing prices in multi-unit auctions (Master Business Administration, 2023)
  • The Player Selection Process in American Pro Sports under Matroid Constraints and Fairness Considerations (Bachelor Business Administration, 2022)
  • The Impact of Traffic Lights in Nash Flows Over Time (Master Computer Science, 2022, with Laura Vargas Koch)
  • Resource Graph Games on Polymatroids (Bachelor Computer Science, 2021)
  • Trading with intermediaries under a mechanism design point of view (Master Data Analytics and Decision Science, 2020)
  • A Controlled Auction Market for Crossover Kidney Exchange (Bachelor Business Administration, 2020)